Porn detection API

With PicPurify porn moderation API, detect and filter images containing:

✔ Sexual acts / intention of, visible private parts, sex toys, animated porn...


The scourge of porn images is a real threat and it's essential to protect your community from it. It's relatively easy to stumble on to pornography on the internet and we're here to help you ban this kind of explicit content from your website / service.

Unprecedented accuracy and speed

Our porn detection API is extremely effective and accurate. With PicPurify, detect and filter porn content in less than one second in order to keep your community safe. Our classifier is trained to remove any porn images and not flag pictures that only contain nudity: we classify swimsuit and lingerie photos as non-pornographic despite the skin showing (when the "critical" parts are covered). To filter nudity images, see our Nudity detection API.

We're always monitoring our accuracy and speeds: check our status page.

379ms median image inference time (452ms total processing time)

98,65% accuracy

porn detection demo


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