Moderate user generated images posted on your marketplace

✔ Offer a safe platform to your visitors

Online marketplaces and e-commerce platforms are the best places to gather sellers and people looking for specific products / services. But it’s necessary to keep an eye on products' compliance if you want to strengthen your website’s reputation. PicPurify image moderation service instantly filters pictures not compliant with your guidelines.

Image moderation for e-commerce platforms

✔ A tailor-made image moderation service

Our image moderation API was created to automatically detect and filter any inappropriate content. We use the most advanced deep learning technology to instantly analyze user generated pictures and block the ones that don’t respect your policy. With only 0.1s necessary for PicPurify to classify an image with an accuracy rate of 95%, this level of speed and efficiency allows you to reduce the cost implied by manual moderation, gain in speed and productivity, strengthen your website’s security.

Most popular models for e-commerce platforms


Detects and removes weapons
like firearms, knives...


Detects and removes drugs:
cannabis, syringes, glass pipes...


Detects any obscene images:
private parts, sexual acts...

Use case

As soon as a user posts a picture on your platform, our algorithms automatically analyze it and remove it if there is any sign of weapon, drug or porn. Below an example of POST request for task=weapon_detection,drug_detection,porn_detection.

Check an image from local file system
curl -X POST '' -F 'API_KEY=XXX' -F 'task=weapon_detection,drug_detection,porn_detection' -F 'origin_id=xxxxxxxxx' -F 'reference_id=yyyyyyyy' -F 'file_image=@/path/to/local/file.jpg'
Check an image from url publicly accessible from internet
curl -X POST '' -F 'API_KEY=XXX' -F 'task=weapon_detection,drug_detection,porn_detection' -F 'origin_id=xxxxxxxxx' -F 'reference_id=yyyyyyyy' -F 'url_image=http://url_image_to_analyse'
Check an image from local file system
picpurify_url = ''
img_data = {'file_image': open('/path/to/local/file.jpg', 'rb')}
# if you are using non acsii file names, use the following code instead of the previous line
# img_data = {'file_image': (os.path.basename('/path/to/local/file_speciàl_chàr.jpg').encode('ascii', 'replace'),open('/path/to/local/file_speciàl_chàr.jpg'.decode('utf-8'), 'rb').read())}

result_data =,files = img_data, data = {"API_KEY":"XXX", "task":"weapon_detection,drug_detection,porn_detection", "origin_id":"xxxxxxxxx", "reference_id":"yyyyyyyy" })
print result_data.content
Check an image from url publicly accessible from internet
picpurify_url = ''
result_url =,data = {"url_image":"http://url_image_to_analyse", "API_KEY":"XXX", "task":"weapon_detection,drug_detection,porn_detection", "origin_id":"xxxxxxxxx", "reference_id":"yyyyyyyy"})
print result_url.content
Check an image from local file system
var request = require('request'),
    fs = require('fs');
var picpurifyUrl = '';
var imagePath = '/path/to/local/file.jpg'

var data = {
    file_image: fs.createReadStream(imagePath),
    API_KEY: 'XXX',
};{ url: picpurifyUrl, formData: data }, function (err, httpResponse, body) {
    if (!err && httpResponse.statusCode == 200) {
Check an image from url publicly accessible from internet
var request = require('request');
var picpurifyUrl = '';
    { form: {url_image:'http://url_image_to_analyse',API_KEY: 'XXX',task:"weapon_detection,drug_detection,porn_detection", origin_id:"xxxxxxxxx", reference_id:"yyyyyyyy" } },
    function (error, response, body) {
        if (!error && response.statusCode == 200) {
Check an image from local file system

$ch = curl_init();

$image_path = "/path/to/local/file.png";
$mime = "image/png";

$cfile = curl_file_create($image_path,$mime);
$data = array('file_image' => $cfile,
		'API_KEY' => "XXX",
		'task' => 'weapon_detection,drug_detection,porn_detection', 
		 'origin_id' => "xxxxxx",
		 'reference_id' => "yyyyyy"


curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL,'');
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER , true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data);
//curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);

$output = curl_exec($ch);

echo $output;
Check an image from url publicly accessible from internet

$ch = curl_init();

$data = array('url_image' => "http://url_image_to_analyse",
		'API_KEY' => "XXX",
		'task' => 'weapon_detection,drug_detection,porn_detection',
		'origin_id' => "xxxxx",
		'reference_id' => "yyyyyy"


curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL,'');
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER , true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data);
//curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);

$output = curl_exec($ch);

echo $output;

Why PicPurify?


Automatically removes unwanted content from your product or service.


Recognizes suspect images like porn, violence, drug, weapon, extremism.


We can create a tailor-made model according to your specific needs.

Fast & Accurate

Decisions are made 24/7 in less than 0.1 second, with an accuracy higher than 95%.

Cost efficient

Save more than 95% of manpower in content moderation.

Highly performant

PicPurify has been integrated in multiple products and has analyzed millions images.


Get a taste of PicPurify efficiency by trying our online demo.


Sign up now and start using your 2000 free units!